L'Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak fait suite au Laboratoire de Biomécanique (LBM) de l’ENSAM crée en 1979 et est situé sur le Campus parisien d’ARTS ET MÉTIERS ParisTech.

L'Institut est certifié ISO 9001 depuis le 27 juillet 2009 dans un périmètre couvrant Recherche, Formation, Relations Industrielles et Valorisation. La recherche partenariale ou les prestations de valorisation sont gérées dans le cadre de l'Institut Carnot ARTS.

Voir le site du laboratoire :

Recent Submissions

  • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
    ABI KARAM, Krystel; ccEL RACHKIDI, Rami; SEMAAN, Karl; SAAD, Eddy; ccFAKHOURY, Marc; ccSAADE, Maria; AYOUB, Elma; ccRTEIL, Ali; JABER, Elena; ccMEKHAEL, Elio; NASSIM, Nabil; ccMASSAAD, Abir; ccGHANEM, Ismat; ccASSI, Ayman (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024-01)
    Purpose To investigate kinematic adaptations from self-selected to fast speed walking in ASD patients. Methods 115 primary ASD and 66 controls underwent biplanar radiographic X-rays and 3D gait analysis to calculate ...
  • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
    ccTOKUYASU, Hiroyuki; TSUSHIMA, Eiki; TAKEMOTO, Mitsuru; ccVERGARI, Claudio; ccTADA, Hiroshi; ccKIM, Youngwoo (Elsevier BV (AAHKS), 2024-09)
    Background Measuring passive hip flexion range of motion (ROM) is challenging due to compensatory movements. Despite the interest in using functional lateral radiographs for assessing hip mobility, the relationship with ...
  • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
    ccKHALIFÉ, Marc; ccLAFAGE, Renaud; FERRERO, Emmanuelle; ccELYSEE, Jonathan; ccASSI, Ayman; ccGILLE, Olivier; ccFINOCO, Mikael; ccSKALLI, Wafa; ccGUIGUI, Pierre; ccVERGARI, Claudio; ccLAFAGE, Virginie (Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2024-09)
    Study Design. Retrospective study of a multicentric prospective database. Objective. This study aimed at describing the relative contribution of vertebral bodies versus discs to ...
  • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
    ccDU CLUZEL DE REMAURIN, Xavier; KHOURI, Nejib; GEORGES, Samuel; ccGAJNY, Laurent; ccVERGARI, Claudio; BADINA, Alina; ccBADINA, Alina (Bioscientifica, 2024-08)
    Periacetabular osteotomy is the gold standard treatment for acetabular dysplasia. The great variability of acetabular dysplasia requires a personalized preoperative planning improved by 3D reconstruction and computer-assisted ...
  • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
    CORNILLON, Carla; ccROHAN, Pierre-Yves; ccVERGARI, Claudio; ccKEENAN, Bethany (Springer, 2024-08)
    Pressure Ulcer (PU) prevention remains a main public health issue. The physiopathology of this injury is not fully understood, and satisfactory ther-apy is currently not available. A better assessment of the internal ...
  • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
    ccURCUN, Stéphane; LORENZO, Guillermo; ccBAROLI, Davide; ccROHAN, Pierre-Yves; ccSCIUME, Giuseppe; ccSKALLI, Wafa; ccLUBRANO, Vincent; BORDAS, Stéphane Pierre Alain (Elsevier, 2022-06)
    Clinical management of cancer has continuously evolved for several decades. Biochemical, molecular, and genomics approaches have brought and still bring numerous insights into cancerous diseases. It is now accepted that ...
  • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
    ccARFI, Yohan; BENOIT, Aurélie; TAPIE, Laurent; ccSANDOZ, Baptiste; ccPERSOHN, Sylvain; ATTAL, Jean-Pierre; ccRIGNON-BRET, Christophe (Wiley, 2024-05)
    Background/Aim3D printing processes can be used to manufacture custom‐made mouthguards for sports activities. Few studies have compared the impact performance of industrial‐created mouthguards with that of custom‐made ...

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