Determination of cavitation load spectra—Part 2: Dynamic finite element approach
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
Cavitation erosion is a well-known problem in fluid machineries which occurs due to repeated hydrodynamic impacts caused by cavitation bubble collapse. Cavitation pitting test is often used for the quantification of flow aggressiveness required for lifetime prediction of hydraulic equipment. Understanding the response of the target material under such hydrodynamic impact is essential for correctly interpreting the results obtained by cavitation pitting test. Moreover the proper knowledge of cavitation pitting mechanism would enable us to design new materials more resistant to cavitation erosion. In this paper, the dynamic behavior of three materials 7075 Aluminum alloy, 2205 duplex stainless steel and Nickel–Aluminum Bronze under cavitation hydrodynamic impact has been studied in details by using finite element simulations. The applied load due to hydrodynamic impact is represented by a Gaussian pressure field which has a peak stress and, space and time evolution of Gaussian type. Mechanism of cavitation pit formation and the effect of inertia and strain rate sensitivity of the materials have been discussed. It is found that if the impact duration is very short compared to a characteristic time of the material based on its natural frequency, no pit would form into the material even if the impact stress is very high. It is also found that strain rate sensitivity reduces the size of the deformed region and thereby could enhance the cavitation erosion resistance of the material.
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