Institut de Mécanique et d’Ingénierie de Bordeaux (I2M)
I2M regroupe des équipes relatives aux nombreuses facettes de la recherche en mécanique sur Bordeaux. Cette recherche, même si elle peut être amont et très spécifique, n’est pas dissociable des métiers et des préoccupations des formations d’ingénieur.
Notre objectif est d’explorer des mosaïques de petits mécanismes pour concevoir les grandes machines de demain.
I2M : Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering of Bordeaux.
I2M Institute includes a large range of topics related to research fields in mechanical engineering on the campus of the University of Bordeaux, France. Although the topics are of fundamental nature, they cannot be separated from the applications as well as from training activities.
The aim of our Unit is to investigate a mosaic of mechanisms at the low scales in order to design the future of the mechanical engines.
Recent Submissions
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture(Elsevier BV, 2025-03)Corrosion is a major threat in the aeronautic industry, both in terms of safety and cost. Efficient, versatile, and cost affordable solutions for corrosion monitoring are thus needed. Ultrasonic Lamb Waves (LW) appear to ...
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture(Elsevier BV, 2025-02)Corrosion poses significant safety and cost challenges in the aeronautic industry. Ultrasonic Lamb Waves (LW), emitted and received by a sparse array of piezoelectric elements (PZT), offer an efficient, cost-effective, and ...
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture(2025)The dynamic fracture properties of porous ceramics were studied using single bunch synchrotron X-ray phase contrast imaging. The modified brazilian geometry was used to initiate and propagate a pure mode I crack. The ...
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture(2025)Variable-stiffness composites (VSCs) can be efficiently designed, through multi-scale optimisation, to obtain thermal cloaks that can steer the heat flux to conceal the presence of an obstacle. Specifically, a general class ...
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture(2025)Esophageal tissue engineering is a promising approach to create an esophageal substitute after surgical resection of a part of the organ. Regeneration of esophageal tissue may be achieved using some synthetic or biological ...
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture(2025)During pyrolysis, organic materials undergo morphological changes that are important to predict, particularly in the field of thermochemical conversion. This work proposes an approach to model deformations during pyrolysis ...
Communication avec acte(Springer International Publishing, 2022-09-25)In the context of the Industry 4.0, new processes have appeared, such as the additive manufacturing (AM) process. Therefore, new approaches to de-sign parts have to be developed to integrate process constraints. It is very ...