Parametrical study on separation-induced transition and vortex dynamics of a reversed pitching airfoil
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
Ocean EngineeringRésumé
The pitching airfoils, applied to the vertical axis turbines and propellers, are critical to extract more energy from the environment. At retreating side, when the airfoil blunt leading edge becomes the trailing edge, the transition and vortex dynamics are quite different from that at advancing side. The goal of the present work is to investigate the transition and vortex evolution over the reversed pitching airfoil, with main focus on the parametrical effect, including the mean pitching angle and pitching amplitude, reduced frequency and Reynolds number. The main results show that the flow structure on the reversed airfoil is more complex compared with that over the forward airfoil due to the earlier flow separation near the sharp leading edge. Then, the transition on the reversed airfoil firstly occurs within the separated shear layer near the sharp leading edge, and then the flow reattaches, leading to the generation of the leading-edge vortex. Near the blunt trailing edge, the second transition appears on two sides, resulting in the asymmetrical boundary layer as the incidence increases continuously. This event is totally different from that on the forward airfoil, shown by the transition always moving from the trailing edge to the leading edge. The flow unsteadiness of the reversed airfoil is mainly induced by the separated shear layer and leading-edge vortex, which is greatly affected by different parameters. Besides, the trajectory of some specific vortices also depends on the working conditions significantly. It is believed that this work can deepen the understandings of underlying flow physics of the reversed airfoils.
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Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
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