ATONTE: towards a new methodology for seed ontology development from texts and experts
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1003089 Laboratoire sciences et technologies de l'information géographique [LaSTIG]
1003089 Laboratoire sciences et technologies de l'information géographique [LaSTIG]
ABADIE, Nathalie
1003089 Laboratoire sciences et technologies de l'information géographique [LaSTIG]
1003089 Laboratoire sciences et technologies de l'information géographique [LaSTIG]
ATONTE (ATlantis methodology for ONtology development from Texts and Experts) is a methodology for the manual development of low-level seed ontologies. The modelling process is based on a combination of knowledge from non-fiction text corpora such as manuals, information guides or sets of instructions, and the knowledge of domain experts. This article presents the five key steps of the ATONTE process. Seed ontologies created with ATONTE can be used to develop and populate knowledge graphs for use in specific applications within given technical domains.
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