Thermal effect of plastic dissipation at the crack tip on the stress intensity factor under cyclic loading
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
Engineering Fracture MechanicsRésumé
Plastic dissipation at the crack tip under cyclic loading is responsible for the creation of an heterogeneous temperature field around the crack tip. A thermomechanical model is proposed in this paper for the theoretical problem of an infinite plate with a semi-infinite through crack under mode I cyclic loading both in plane stress or in plane strain condition. It is assumed that the heat source is located in the reverse cyclic plastic zone. The proposed analytical solution of the thermo-mechanical problem shows that the crack tip is under compression due to thermal stresses coming from the heterogeneous stress field around the crack tip. The effect of this stress field on the stress intensity factor (its maximum and its range) is calculated analytically for the infinite plate and by finite element analysis. The heat flux within the reverse cyclic plastic zone is the key parameter to quantify the effect of dissipation at the crack tip on the stress intensity factor
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Article dans une revue avec comité de lectureBecause of the reverse cyclic plastic zone at the crack tip, there is plastic dissipation in heat at the crack tip under cyclic loading. That creates a heterogeneous temperature field around the crack tip. A thermo-mechanical ...
Article dans une revue avec comité de lectureBecause of the reverse cyclic plastic zone at the crack tip, there is plastic dissipation in heat at the crack tip under cyclic loading. That creates a heterogeneous temperature field around the crack tip. A thermomechanical ...
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