Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
Solid State PhenomenaRésumé
The present paper focuses the modelling and the simulation of a direct thixoextrusion test achieved on C38 semi-solid steel. To validate the modelling and the simulation, it is important to get various experimental informations during the test and to correlate them with simulated results. In a previous paper (Becker et al, 2008), the macro and micro structure obtained for different process parameters during thixoextrusion of C38 were investigated. In this work, those results are correlated to those obtained by simulations of the processing. The constitutive equation of the material is given by a multi-scale modelling based on micromechanics and homogenization techniques, labelled as micro-macro modelling (Favier et al, 2009). The parameters of the model are determined (i) using literature results and (ii) to match various experimental measurements obtained during the test and described in Becker et al (2008) such as the die temperature during the test and the load-displacement curve. Comparisons between experimental and simulated reveal the presence of complex temperature field and the presence of zones having very low viscosities. These zones contribute actively to the semi-solid material flow.
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Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
BIGOT, Regis;
LANGLOIS, Laurent;
FAVIER, Véronique; PIERRET, Jean-Christophe; CEZARD, Pierre (Springer Verlag, 2008)
Since always, Industry minimizes manufacturing process plan and increases mechanical behaviour. In this topic, the thixoforging process offers important perspectives especially steel thixoforging. It is on the way of ... -
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
BECKER, Eric; CEZARD, Pierre;
BIGOT, Regis;
LANGLOIS, Laurent;
FAVIER, Véronique; PIERRET, Jean-Christophe (Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2008)
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Communication avec acteSince always, Industry minimizes manufacturing process plan and increases mechanical behaviour. In this topic, the thixoforging process offers important perspectives especially steel thixoforging. It is on the way of ...
Article dans une revue avec comité de lectureGU, Guochao;
PESCI, Raphaël;
LANGLOIS, Laurent;
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