Assumed-strain solid–shell formulation for the six-node finite element SHB6: evaluation on nonlinear benchmark problems
Conférence invitée
Because accuracy and efficiency are the main features expected within the finite element (FE) method, the current contribution proposes a six-node prismatic solid–shell, denoted (SHB6). The formulation is extended here to geometric and material nonlinearities, and focus will be placed on its validation on nonlinear benchmark problems. This type of FE is specifically designed for the modeling of thin structures, by combining several useful shell features with some well-known solid element advantages. Therefore, the resulting derivation only involves displacement degrees of freedom as it is based on a fully 3D approach. Some of the motivation behind this formulation is to allow a natural mesh connection in problems where both structural (shell/plate) and continuum (solid) elements need to be simultaneously used. Another major interest of this prismatic solid–shell is to complement meshes that use hexahedral solid–shell FE, especially when free mesh generation tools are employed. To achieve an efficient formulation, the assumed-strain method is combined with an in-plane one-point quadrature scheme. These techniques are intended to reduce both locking phenomena and computational cost. A careful analysis of possible stiffness matrix rank deficiencies demonstrates that this reduced integration procedure does not induce hourglass modes and thus no stabilization is required.
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