Analysis of residual stress relaxation under mechanical cyclic loading of shot-peened trip780 steel until fatigue lifetime
Communication avec acte

32956 Science et Ingénierie des Matériaux et Procédés [SIMaP]
162787 Institut Régional du Travail [Nancy] [IRT]
199963 Laboratoire de Mécanique, Modélisation et Procédés Propres [M2P2]
549864 Institut de recherche technologique Matériaux Métallurgie et Procédés [IRT M2P]
TRIP aided steels are used in the automotive industry due to their high strength, ductility and toughness properties. Typical parts made of TRIP steels (as engine sub-frame for instance) are submitted to cyclic loading during their lifetime. Those parts could be also shot-peened to minimise the risk of fatigue failure. Studies have investigated the fatigue life of non-treated TRIP aided steels [1-3], the shot peening of TRIP steels [4-9] but very few [10] have investigated the mechanical residual stress stability after shot peening on TRIP steels and the impact on fatigue life. TRIP steels exhibit a multiphased microstructure of ferrite, bainite, residual austenite and martensite created after thermomechanical loading/straining. Shot peening on TRIP steel generates austenite to martensite phase transformation and a gradient of microstructure and residual stresses from the surface as characterized by Guiheux [9]. The aim of this study is to analyse the evolution of residual stresses (RS) generated by shot-peening during cycling and the effects of shot peening on fatigue life of a cold rolled TRIP780 steel. The stability of RS was assessed using X-ray diffraction techniques. Macroscopic finite element simulation of fatigue life.
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