Mesoscale modelling of tensile response and damage evolution in natural fibre reinforced laminates
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
Composites Part B: EngineeringRésumé
A continuum damage mechanics based mesoscale model is developed within a thermodynamics framework to describe the in-plane tensile response in natural fibre composites. The standard Mesoscale Damage Theory (MDT) is modified to incorporate damage and inelasticity evolution in the fibre-direction, thereby capturing the unique nonlinear fibre-direction response evidenced in natural fibre composites (NFC). The multi-ply damage model is validated using tests on Flax/epoxy laminates and available data on Carbon/epoxy laminates. Model parameters are identified for Flax/epoxy by applying an optimisation algorithm that compares numerical predictions with experimental data. Predictions of mechanical response, stiffness degradation, and inelasticity correlate very well with experimental observations of Flax-laminates. This modified-MDT model offers a predictive, robust tool to aid the development of NFC engineering structures.
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