Investigation on the mixture formation, combustion characteristics and performance of a Diesel engine fueled with Diesel, Biodiesel B20 and hydrogen addition
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyRésumé
An experimental and numerical study was performed to investigate the impact of Biodiesel B20 (blends 20% Rapeseed methyl ester with 80 % Diesel volumetric fraction) and different energetic fractions of hydrogen content (between 0 and 5%) on the mixture formation, combustion characteristics, engine performance and pollutant emissions formation. Experiments were carried out on a tractor Diesel engine, four-cylinders, four-stroke, 50 kW/2400 rpm, and direct injection. Simulations were conducted using the AVL codes (HYDSIM and BOOST 2013). Simulation results were validated against experimental data, by comparing the inline pressure, needle lift, in-cylinder pressure curves for Biodiesel B20 and pure Diesel fuels at 1400 rpm and 2400 rpm, respectively, under full load operating conditions. Good agreement with a maximum of 2.5% relative deviation on the peak results revealed that overall operation conditions Biodiesel B20 provides lower engine performance, efficiency, and emissions except the NOx which are slightly increased. The Biodiesel B20 has shorter ignition delay. By hydrogen addition to B20 with aspiration of the intake air flow the CO emissions, smoke, and total unburned hydrocarbon emissions THC decreased, while the NOx kept the same increasing trend for 1400 rpm and has not quite apparent trend for 2400 rpm. The enrichment by hydrogen of Diesel and B20 fuels has not a significant effect on ignition delay.
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