Voici les éléments 1016-1022 de 1243

    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      NEAG, Adriana; ATKINSON, Helen Valerie; ccFAVIER, Véronique (Elsevier, 2016)
      Semi-solid processing is a promising forming process for shaping metallic alloys in one shot. Numerical simulations are of great interest for optimizing the process. Generally, numerical simulation results are compared ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      OKAMBA-DIOGO, Octavie; VERDU, Jacques; FERNAGUT, François; GUILMENT, Jean; ccFAYOLLE, Bruno; ccRICHAUD, Emmanuel (Elsevier, 2015)
      The oxidation kinetics of unstabilized polyamide 11 thin film under oxygen pressures up to 2.0 MPa was studied by means of ferrous ion method for hydroperoxides titration, size exclusion chromatography (SEC) for molar weight ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      RUELLAN, Alexandre; GUINAULT, Alain; SOLLOGOUB, Cyrille; CHOLLET, Guillaume; AIT-MADA, Aziza; DUCRUET, Violette; DOMENEK, Sandra (BME-PT Hungary, 2015)
      The use of industrial by-products of the vegetable oil industry as ductility increasing additives of polylactide (PLA) was investigated. Vegetable oil deodorization condensates were melt-blended by twin-screw extrusion up ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      MULLER, Maryse; EL-RABII, Hazem; FABBRO, Rémy (Springer Verlag, 2015)
      In this article, we report an investigation of laser-initiated ignition of pure iron rods, using optical pyrometry, video observations, and analysis of metallographic cross section of quenched burning liquid on copper ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      ROUCHAUSSE, Yann; PEYRE, Patrice; DEFAUCHY, Denis; ccREGNIER, Gilles (Elsevier, 2015)
      A dual experimental-numerical approach was carried out to estimate thermal cycles and resulting fusion depths obtained during the selective laser sintering (SLS) of two polymers: PA12 and PEKK. The validation of thermal ...
    • Communication sans acte
      ccDAL, Morgan; ccMONTEIRO, Eric; ccLORONG, Philippe (2015)
      Numerical methods to solve problems involving discontinuities (jumps, kinks or singularities) on moving internal boundaries have received much attention over the last decade. Among them, the most suitable is probably the ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      GUINARD, Caroline; GUIPONT, Vincent; JEANDIN, Michel; MONTAY, Guillaume; ccSCHNEIDER, Matthieu; ccGIRARDOT, Jeremie (ASM International/Springer, 2014)
      The gas turbine combustion chamber of aero-engines requires a thermal barrier coating (TBC) by thermal spraying. Further heat protection is achieved by laser drilling of cooling holes. The residual stresses play an important ...