Now showing items 134-140 of 1272

    • Communication avec acte
      ccRICHAUD, Emmanuel; GERARD, Pierre (EPFL Scientific Publications, 2022-06)
      This paper deals with the thermal ageing of ELIUM® based composites filled with mineral fillers (aluminium trihydrate in particular) and corresponding matrices. The ageing of thin films and thick blocks was investigated ...
    • Communication avec acte
      MALACRIDA ALVES, Guilherme; ccBALMES, Etienne (ISMA Editions (Belgium), 2022-09)
      Rubber tests typically only consider the first harmonic of responses and thus ignore additional information about variation of properties during a cycle. The Payne effect is then only described as a decrease of modulus ...
    • Communication avec acte
      PENAS, Rafael; GAUDIN, Arnaud; ccBALMES, Etienne (ISMA Editions (Belgium), 2020-09)
      Rubber mount modeling in multibody simulation is crucial for accuracy in this type of calculation, and despite its importance, they are often underestimated in terms of modeling. The present work aims to develop and ...
    • Communication avec acte
      ccBALMES, Etienne; MARTIN, Guillaume; ccVERMOT DES ROCHES, Guillaume; CHANCELIER, Thierry; THOUVIOT, Sylvain (Université Polytechnique Hauts de France (UPHF), 2022-05)
      Since tests only provide measurements at sensors, it is interesting to use models to estimate the response at all degree of freedom, correct measurement errors and possibly allow updating of model parameters. The paper ...
    • Communication avec acte
      MARTIN, Guillaume; ccBALMES, Etienne; CHANCELIER, Thierry; THOUVIOT, Sylvain; LEMAIRE, Rémi (FISITA, 2022-05)
      To analyze brake squeal, measurements are performed to extract Operational Deflection Shapes (ODS) characteristic of the limit cycle. The advantage of this strategy is that the real system behavior is captured, but ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      BOUZID, Abdel-Hakim; TOUAHRI, Hacène; ccBENFRIHA, Khaled (ASME International, 2021-02)
      The expansion induced by cold working is a common process that generates residual stresses. It is used when fatigue damage accumulation and life reduction of aluminum alloy perforated plates is an issue in the aeronautics ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      ccADJOUL, Oussama; ccBENFRIHA, Khaled; ccEL ZANT, Chawki; ccAOUSSAT, Améziane (Elsevier BV, 2020-12)
      This article describes a new approach to simultaneous optimization of design and maintenance of large-scale multi-component industrial systems. This approach, in a form of an algorithm, aims to help designers in the search ...