Numerical investigations on transitional flows around forward and reversed hydrofoils
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
European Journal of Mechanics - B/FluidsRésumé
The laminar-turbulence transition phenomenon widely exists on the surface of many energy equipment, which is deserved to be studied because of the complex mechanics and some induced undesirable consequences. The goal of present work is to investigate the transitional flows around the forward and reversed hydrofoils at different incidences using the SST gamma-Re teta transition model, with special emphasis on the dynamics of the transition. The effect of inflow turbulence condition is considered initially. Then, the difference between the original SST k-ω model and SST γ-Re teta transition model is analyzed, in terms of the near-wall velocity profiles and flow morphology. Afterwards, the change of the transition with the incidence for the reversed hydrofoil is clarified in detail. The primary results show that the flow separation near the sharp leading edge where the reverse dynamic vortex (RDV) appears makes the contribution to the transition. The size of RDV is much larger than laminar separation bubble (LSB) over the forward hydrofoil and it forms near the leading edge earlier. Moreover, the transition locations are mapped both for the forward and reversed hydrofoils. Finally, the effect of Reynolds number on the transition process for the reversed hydrofoil is presented. It is believed that this work can deep the understandings of the transition, especially for the reversed hydrofoils.
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