Analysis of shear ductile damage in forming processes using a micromechanical model with void shape effects
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International Journal of Solids and StructuresAbstract
The aim of this work is to investigate and predict ductile failure in forming processes. Experimental results of deep drawing and corrugation processing on aluminum alloys suggest that in some cases failure can be due to shear-dominated loadings. In order to simulate numerically failure during forming, we use the micromechanical Madou–Leblond model, which permits to account for void shape effects that are important under shear loadings. In the case of deep drawing, the model is able to reproduce failure either due to bottom or shear cracks, depending on the processing conditions. In the case of corrugation processing, the model reproduces accurately the occurrence of failure as well as the crack shape. Comparisons with the GTN model show the importance of void shape effects upon failure.
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