Now showing items 134-140 of 141

    • Communication sans acte
      BOIS, Gérard; ccSIMONET, Sophie; ccBAYEUL-LAINÉ, Annie-Claude (6 th International Conference of Pumps and Fans with compressors and wind turbines, 2013)
      The present wind turbine is a small one which can be used on roofs or in gardens. This turbine has a vertical axis. Each turbine blade combines a rotating movement around its own axis and around the main rotor axis. Due ...
    • Communication avec acte
      DUPONT, Patrick; CAVAZZINI, Giovanna; CHERDIEU, Patrick; BOIS, Gérard; ROUSSETTE, Olivier; ccDAZIN, Antoine; ccBAYEUL-LAINÉ, Annie-Claude (2013)
      The paper presents the numerical and experimental analysis of performance and internal flow behaviour in the vaned diffuser of a radial flow pump (Fig. 1) using PIV technique (Fig. 2), pressure probe traverses and numerical ...
    • Communication sans acte
      KHLIFA, Ilyass; FUZIER, Sylvie; HOCEVAR, Marko; VABRE, Alexandre; FEZZAA, Kamel; ccCOUTIER-DELGOSHA, Olivier (2013)
      A promising method to measure velocity fields in complex two-phase flows such us cavitating flows is presented. Dynamics of the liquid phase and the bubbles are both investigated. The measurements are based on ultra fast ...
    • Communication avec acte
      ISSA, Abir; BOIS, Gérard; ccBAYEUL-LAINÉ, Annie-Claude (IAHR - The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, 2008)
      Two fundamental types of flow problems besetting water intakes are swirling flow problems in the pump sump and sediment problems at entrance or within intakes. Both problems reduce intake performance and lead to increased ...
    • Communication avec acte
      ISSA, Abir; BOIS, Gérard; ccBAYEUL-LAINÉ, Annie-Claude (CMFF - Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow, 2009)
      Water for irrigation, domestic and industrial supply as well for some power generation is normally drawn directly from rivers or from reservoir through sumps. The flow at the pump section sump may have large effects on the ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      CAIGNAERT, Guy; BOIS, Gérard; ccDAZIN, Antoine; ccCOUTIER-DELGOSHA, Olivier (HPC - Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012)
      The cavitating behavior of a four-blade inducer tested in the LML laboratory large test facility is considered in the present paper. Experimental investigations based on unsteady pressure measurements and records from a ...
    • Communication avec acte
      PAVESI, Giorgio; CAVAZZINI, Giovanna; CAIGNAERT, Guy; BOIS, Gérard; ARDIZZON, Guido; ccDAZIN, Antoine (EUROTURBO, 2011)
      The paper reports combined experimental and numerical investigations of unforced un- steadiness in a vaneless radial diffuser. Experimental data were obtained within the diffuser using stereoscopic time resolved Particle ...