Robotized FSW – Evolution of forces and torque with nonlinear welds
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The main purpose of the article is to study the evolution of the welding forces and torque with non-straight welding path. The main studies performed on forces and torque are usually done on plane straight welding path when the processing parameter are developed. As industrializing robotized FSW, the robot structure deformation under FSW load depends on the forces generated on the tool. Thus, in order to compensate the robot deformation automatically through the control, statistical model giving the welding forces and torque as function of the process parameters is established. This article deals with the study of the forces and torque generated as welding circular and semi-circular welds. The effect of the welding direction (i.e. position of advancing and retreating side) is also analyzed. The objective is to determine if the statistical model giving the welding forces and torque as function of the process parameters developed on straight line can be applied for welding different weld path geometries.
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