Voici les éléments 981-987 de 6140

    • Communication avec acte
      LEGRY, Martin; COLAS, Frédéric; SAUDEMONT, Christophe; DIEULOT, Jean-Yves; DUCARME, Olivier (IEEE, 2019)
      This paper proposes to optimize the real time operation of a microgrid controlled with a two-layer Model Predictive Controller supervisor. Based on the classical decomposition of control level, the proposed supervisor ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      MOHAMMADI, Mehrdad; TAVAKKOLI-MOGHADDAM, Reza; RAHIMI, Yaser; ccSIADAT, Ali (Elsevier BV, 2016)
      Nowadays, offering fast and reliable delivery service has become a vital issue associated with all shipment delivery systems. Due to unpredictable variability in travel times, configuration of transportation systems plays ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      POUSSARD, Benjamin; BLANCHARD, Philippe; DUPONT, Laurent; BROEKEMA, Peter; ccRICHIR, Simon; ccFLEURY, Sylvain (CAD Solutions, LLC, 2022)
      Technological development offers new opportunities that could change design processes. The present study explores the possibilities of technologies like virtual reality and 3D scan in the furniture design process. For this ...
    • Communication avec acte
      DURIOT, Robin; FRAYSSINHES, Rémy; RESCALVO, Francisco J.; COTTIN, Fabrice; BUTAUD, Jean-Claude; ccDENAUD, Louis; ccCOLLET, Robert; ccPOT, Guillaume; ccGIRARDON, Stéphane (2019)
      Selon un rapport rendu au Sénat le 26 juin 2019, le vieillissement du patrimoine des ponts du réseau routier est un problème à traiter en France. Le remplacement progressif d’environ 10% de ces ouvrages est à envisager dès ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      FERRERO, Emmanuelle; GUIGUI, Pierre; KHALIFÉ, Marc; CARLIER, Robert; FEYDY, Antoine; FELTER, Adrien; LAFAGE, Virginie; SKALLI, Wafa (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021)
      Introduction: Global alignment analysis is of upmost importance in adult spinal deformity patients (ASD). Numerous parameters exist in the literature to measure global alignment based upon C7 or T1. One common limitation ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      OMIRBEKOV, Sagyn; DAVARZANI, Hossein; SABYRBAY, Bexultan; COLOMBANO, Stéfan; ccAHMADI-SENICHAULT, Azita (Elsevier BV, 2022)
      Studies of foam flow in highly permeable porous media are still limited due to foam’s complex behavior and discrepancies in foam research. Specifically, it is still unclear how foam flows in capillary tubes and what the ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      AULELEY, Michel; MAHE, Hervé; ccTHOMAS, Olivier; ccGIRAUD-AUDINE, Christophe (Elsevier BV, 2021)
      This article proposes a novel mean for tuning the natural frequency of an electromagnetic resonant shunt, using a pulse-width modulation (PWM) circuit. It is used to modulate the value of the capacitance of the shunt, and ...