Now showing items 155-161 of 6127

    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      ccEL BAROUDI, Adil; ccLE POMMELLEC, Jean Yves; COUANET, Vincent (Elsevier, 2024-02-26)
      This paper describes a theory of surface Love waves propagating in lossy waveguides consisting of a viscoelastic layer deposited on a semi-infinite elastic substrate. The Zener model to describe the viscoelastic behavior ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      VARIALE, Donato; ccPARENTE, Enza; ccROBINET, Jean-Christophe; CHERUBINI, Stefania (Purpose-Led Publishing (AIP Publishing, American Physical Society - APS - and IOP Publishing), 2024-01)
      Unstable or optimally growing perturbations of turbulent flows are often representative of the energy-containing coherent structures populating the flow, as for streaks in a turbulent channel. Within this framework, this ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      ccLIU, Shaolin; ccAHMADI-SENICHAULT, Azita; ccLEVET, Cyril; ccLACHAUD, Jean (Elsevier BV, 2024-02)
      High-temperature thermal energy storage (TES) in packed beds is gaining interest for industrial energy recovery. The wide range of temperature distributions causes significant variations in thermophysical properties of ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      REY, Pierre-André; SENATORE, Johanna; LANDON, Yann (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023-11-13)
      The orbital drilling process is a very complex machining operation. Due to the helical path of the tool in the material and the tool geometry that can be very complex, the geometry of the chip is very variable along the ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      HAURAT, Margaux; ANGUY, Yannick; GABORIEAU, Cécile; AUBERT, Guillaume; AYMONIER, Cyril; DUMON, Michel (Elsevier BV, 2023-11)
      One-step solid-state batch scCO2 foaming is used with the target of achieving acrylic polymer micro-nano foams. Foaming is triggered by an average pressure drop (APDR), covering two decades, from 0.3 to 30 MPa.s−1. This ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      EL MANSORI, Mohamed; BESSONNET, Stéphane; PINAULT, Sébastien; ccCHEGDANI, Faissal (ASME International, 2024-02-26)
      This paper aims to investigate the cutting behavior of optical glassy polymers in order to identify the shape defects induced by the micro-machining processes. Polycarbonate (PC), Allyl Diglycol Carbonate (CR39), and ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      ccCHEGDANI, Faissal; EL MANSORI, Mohamed (ASME International, 2024-02-28)
      This work aims to study the cutting behavior of biocomposites under different controlled hygrothermal conditions. This investigation choice is motivated by the fact that natural plant fibers such as flax are characterized ...