Now showing items 568-574 of 6136

    • Conférence invitée
      SUHAS, Morgane; ccABISSET-CHAVANNE, Emmanuelle; REY, Pierre-André; DESCHAMPS, Frédéric; KRECKELBERGH, Stephane; REMY, Nicolas (Institut pour la Maitrise des Risques, 2022-10-10)
      A non-localised failure on a component can cause irreparable damage but it can also lead to the complete shutdown of the industrial system if it is not detected in time. Indeed, the first step in a failure process is the ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      BELYANOVSKAYA, Alexandra; VOROBEVA, Daria; GUSEVA, Natalia; ccLARATTE, Bertrand (Elsevier BV, 2023-01)
      The chemical composition of soils reflects the degree of industrial exposure. Cu and Ni concentrations in soils of the «Severonickel » plant vicinity are higher than remote ones. In the impact area, the mean concentration ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      ccMARCON, Bertrand; ccVIGUIER, Joffrey; CANDELIER, Kevin; THEVENON, MF; BUTAUD, Jean-Claude; PIGNOLET, L; GARTILI, A; ccDENAUD, Louis; ccCOLLET, Robert (Italian Society of Sivilculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF), 2023-01-09)
      Plywood made of poplar are limited to indoor usages since poplar exhibits a rather low natural durability. Recently, wood heat treatments have been applied to improve properties such as decay susceptibility and dimensional ...
    • Communication avec acte
      ccBALMES, Etienne; MARTIN, Guillaume; ccVERMOT DES ROCHES, Guillaume; CHANCELIER, Thierry; THOUVIOT, Sylvain (Université Polytechnique Hauts de France (UPHF), 2022-05)
      Since tests only provide measurements at sensors, it is interesting to use models to estimate the response at all degree of freedom, correct measurement errors and possibly allow updating of model parameters. The paper ...
    • Communication avec acte
      MARTIN, Guillaume; ccBALMES, Etienne; CHANCELIER, Thierry; THOUVIOT, Sylvain; LEMAIRE, Rémi (FISITA, 2022-05)
      To analyze brake squeal, measurements are performed to extract Operational Deflection Shapes (ODS) characteristic of the limit cycle. The advantage of this strategy is that the real system behavior is captured, but ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      BRAHIM, MAHIDDINI; ccCHETTIBI, Taha; ccBENFRIHA, Khaled; ccAOUSSAT, Améziane (Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), 2019-08)
      In this paper, we present a two level optimization approach in order to enhance the design process of a one-stage speed reducer. The proposed design methodology is performed using genetic algorithms which are judiciously ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      BOUZID, Abdel-Hakim; TOUAHRI, Hacène; ccBENFRIHA, Khaled (ASME International, 2021-02)
      The expansion induced by cold working is a common process that generates residual stresses. It is used when fatigue damage accumulation and life reduction of aluminum alloy perforated plates is an issue in the aeronautics ...