Grain and phase stress criteria for behaviour and cleavage in duplex and bainitic steels
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and StructuresRésumé
Stress analyses by X-ray diffraction are performed on a cast duplex (32% ferrite) stainless steel elbow and a bainitic (95% ferrite) pressure vessel steel. During an in situ tensile test, micrographic observations are made (visible glides and microcracks) and related to the stress state determined in the individual ferritic grains (aged duplex) and the ferritic phase (bainite loaded at low temperatures). Several material parameters have been identified at different scales, as for example, the critical resolved shear stress of 245 MPa for the aged ferritic grain (duplex) or 275 MPa for bainite (–60 ◦C), a crystallographic cleavage propagation criterion of 465 MPa (stress normal to {100} planes), and a fracture stress of approximately 700 MPa in the ferritic phase. Even though the two steels are different in many respects, the macroscopic fracture strains and stresses are well predicted by the polycrystalline model developed for bainite, whatever the temperatures tested (considering 7% of the grains reaching the local criterion).
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