New Issues for Workers Safety in the Factory of the Future
Chapitre d'ouvrage scientifique
Human in the factory is one of the main themes of the Factory of the Future, in this context the aim of this paper is to present the new issues for workers safety and the in-tegrated design concepts or methodologies which have to be taking into account. New paradigms come into being: the uncertainty of the demand in terms of products as well as production rate, product customization, integration product / service, the man-ufacturing processes are not fixed, so the manufacturing times cannot be foreseen, re-configuration of machine tools as manufacturing systems, space organization, auto-organization, planning …, new technologies are implemented: robots, plug and play devices, virtual / augmented reality, sensors, OPC standards, connected objects,… Several tasks are performed by the workers, the robots or in collaboration. The work-ers are place in the center of the Factory of the future but this concept introduce haz-ard events, problems of health and safety (physical or cognitive tasks, fatigue, stress, space or time organization, interfaces Human- robot, to take into account of the dif-ferent life situations…). So the aim of the paper is to present studies carrying out in order to propose to the machine or manufacturing systems designers as well as pro-duction managers structured methods, models, tools in order to get safe working sit-uations in the frame of the factory of the future paradigm.
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