Surface wave in a Maxwell liquid-saturated poroelastic layer
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
Applied AcousticsRésumé
An analytical approach of the propagation and attenuation of Love waves in a viscoelastic liquidsaturated poroelastic layer has been considered in this paper. The equations of motion have been formulated separately for different media under suitable boundary conditions at the interface of viscoelastic liquid, poroelastic layer and elastic substrate. Following Biot’s theory of poroelasticity, a new accurate and simple generalized dispersion equation has been established to design Love wave liquid sensors. The effect of liquid shear viscosity on the Love waves velocity has been studied. The influence of thickness and porosity of the waveguide layer has also been shown on the Love waves velocity and attenuation. The various investigations results can serve as benchmark solutions in design of liquid sensors and nondestructive testing.
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