3D global hydrodynamic stability analysis of a diffusion flame
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
Fluid Dynamics ResearchAbstract
This work investigates the three-dimensional global hydrodynamic stability of a diffusion flame. The low-Mach-number (LMN) Navier-Stokes (NS) equations for reacting flows are solved together with a transport equation for the mixture fraction. A source term is added to the energy conservation equation to model the chemical heat release as a function of the Damk¨ohler (Da) number and of the reaction rate, computed according to an Arrhenius law. The global stability analysis has been performed by a matrix-free time-stepper approach applied to the LMN-NS equations, using an Arnoldi method to compute the most unstable modes. Increasing the value of Da, direct numerical simulations show a transition from an oscillating unstable regime towards a stable one. In the unstable regime, stability analyses show two different flame behaviours: a highly unstable weak-flame and a typical diffusion flame. In the latter case, two different families of modes have been identified: the low-frequency most unstable one related to the premixing zone of the flame and a high-frequency stable branch representative of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of the diffusive rear region of the flame. The present three-dimensional stability analysis has been able to compute, for the first time, the eigenmodes responsible for the cellular structure of the flame.
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