Now showing items 372-378 of 1272

    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      DELL’ISOLA, Francesco; SEPPECHER, Pierre; SPAGNUOLO, Mario; BARCHIESI, Emilio; HILD, François; LEKSZYCKI, Tomasz; GIORGIO, Ivan; PLACIDI, Luca; ANDREAUS, Ugo; CUOMO, Massimo; EUGSTER, Simon R.; PFAFF, Aron; HOSCHKE, Klaus; LANGKEMPER, Ralph; TURCO, Emilio; SARIKAYA, Rizacan; MISRA, Aviral; DE ANGELO, Michele; D’ANNIBALE, Francesco; BOUTERF, Amine; PINELLI, Xavier; MISRA, Anil; DESMORAT, Boris; PAWLIKOWSKI, Marek; DUPUY, Corinne; SCERRATO, Daria; PEYRE, Patrice; LAUDATO, Marco; MANZARI, Luca; GÖRANSSON, Peter; HESCH, Christian; HESCH, Sofia; FRANCIOSI, Patrick; DIRRENBERGER, Justin; MAURIN, Florian; VANGELATOS, Zacharias; GRIGOROPOULOS, Costas; MELISSINAKI, Vasileia; FARSARI, Maria; MULLER, Wolfgang; ABALI, Bilen Emek; LIEBOLD, Christian; GANZOSCH, Gregor; HARRISON, Philip; DROBNICKI, Rafał; IGUMNOV, Leonid; ALZAHRANI, Faris; HAYAT, Tasawar (Springer Verlag, 2019)
      In the last decade, the exotic properties of pantographic metamaterials have been investigated and different mathematical models (both discrete or continuous) have been introduced. In a previous publication, a large part ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      MERCKEL, Yannick; DIANI, Julie; BRIEU, Mathias; CAILLARD, Julien (Elsevier, 2013)
      Original constitutive modeling is proposed for filled rubber materials in order to capture the anisotropic softened behavior induced by general non-proportional pre-loading histories. The hyperelastic framework is grounded ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      MORIN, Léo; SUQUET, Pierre M.; BRENNER, Renald (IOP Publishing, 2019)
      The aim of this paper is to investigate the numerical implementation of the field dislocation mechanics (FDM) theory for the simulation of dislocation-mediated plasticity. First, the mesoscale FDM theory of Acharya and Roy ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      LAVISSE, Luc; KANJER, Armand; BERGER, P.; OPTASANU, V.; GORNY, Cyril; ccPEYRE, Patrice; MONTESIN, T.; MARCO DE LUCAS, M.C. (Elsevier, 2020)
      Improving the high temperature (HT) resistance of titanium alloys is currently a technological challenge for extending their use in aerospace engines. Ti-Beta-21S is a metastable β titanium alloy specifically designed for ...
    • Ouvrage scientifique
      CASTELNAU, Olivier; LEBENSOHN, Ricardo; CASTAEDA, Pedro Ponte; BLACKMAN, Donna (ISTE, 2008)
      The Earth’s upper mantle is known to exhibit elastic anisotropy, which is common-ly attributed to the presence of Lattice Preferred Orientations (LPO). Such anisotropy is revealed in recordings of seismic waves that travel ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      BORZACCHIELLO, Domenico; AGUADO, José Vicente; ccCHINESTA SORIA, Francisco (Springer Verlag, 2019)
      We discuss the use of hierarchical collocation to approximate the numerical solution of parametric models. With respect to traditional projection-based reduced order modeling, the use of a collocation enables non-intrusive ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      LAUZERAL, Nathan; BORZACCHIELLO, Domenico; KUGLER, Michaël; GEORGE, Daniel; RÉMOND, Yves; HOSTETTLER, Alexandre; ccCHINESTA SORIA, Francisco (Taylor & Francis, 2019)
      The main objective of this study is to combine the statistical shape analysis with a morphing procedure in order to generate shape-parametric finite element models of tissues and organs and to explore the reliability and ...