Now showing items 1-7 of 475

    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      KHALIFÉ, Marc; LAFAGE, Renaud; DANIELS, Alan H.; DIEBO, Bassel G.; ELYSEE, Jonathan; AMES, Christopher P.; BESS, Shay R.; BURTON, Douglas C.; EASTLACK, Robert K.; GUPTA, Munish C.; HOSTIN, Richard; KEBAISH, Khaled; KIM, Han-Jo; KLINEBERG, Eric; MUNDIS, Gregory; OKONKWO, David O.; GUIGUI, Pierre; FERRERO, Emmanuelle; SKALLI, Wafa; ASSI, Ayman; VERGARI, Claudio; SHAFFREY, Christopher; SMITH, Justin S.; SCHWAB, Frank J.; LAFAGE, Virginie (Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2025-01)
      Study design: Multicentric retrospective study of prospectively collected data. Objective: Based on normative data from a cohort of asymptomatic volunteers, ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      ccBECHET, Romain; TISSERAND, Romain; FRADET, Laetitia; COLLOUD, Floren (Elsevier BV, 2025-02-11)
      Background: Maintaining balance while moving isvital forday-to-day activities. Akeychallenge inthe comprehension ofhuman movement istodetermine howmuscles contribute tobalance-movement coordination. Motor transitions, ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      AYOUB, Elma; ccRTEIL, Ali; ccCHAAYA, Celine; RACHKIDI, Rami; ccSAADE, Maria; JABER, Elena; ccMEKHAEL, Elio; NASSIM, Nabil; REHAYEM, Rami; KARAM, Mohammad; ccBIZDIKIAN, Aren Joe; ccGHANEM, Ismat; SKALLI, Wafa; ccMASSAAD, Abir; ASSI, Ayman (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024-09)
      Functional assessment is a key element in evaluating adult spinal deformity (ASD) patients. The multitude of 3D kinematic parameters provided by movement analysis can be confusing for spine surgeons. The aim was to investigate ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      YARED, Fares; ccMASSAAD, Abir; ccBAKOUNY, Ziad; ccOTAYEK, Joeffroy; ccBIZDIKIAN, Aren Joe; ccGHANIMEH, Joe; ccLABAKI, Chris; ccGHANEM, Diane; ccGHANEM, Ismat; SKALLI, Wafa; ASSI, Ayman (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023-08-18)
      Femoro-acetabular impingement (FAI) may present as alterations in the skeletal morphology of the hip. Repercussions of FAI can be witnessed in self-selected speed walking as well as physical exercise such as running or ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      ABI KARAM, Krystel; ccEL RACHKIDI, Rami; SEMAAN, Karl; SAAD, Eddy; ccFAKHOURY, Marc; ccSAADE, Maria; AYOUB, Elma; ccRTEIL, Ali; JABER, Elena; ccMEKHAEL, Elio; NASSIM, Nabil; ccMASSAAD, Abir; ccGHANEM, Ismat; ASSI, Ayman (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024-01)
      Purpose To investigate kinematic adaptations from self-selected to fast speed walking in ASD patients. Methods 115 primary ASD and 66 controls underwent biplanar radiographic X-rays and 3D gait analysis to calculate ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      ccTOKUYASU, Hiroyuki; TSUSHIMA, Eiki; TAKEMOTO, Mitsuru; VERGARI, Claudio; ccTADA, Hiroshi; ccKIM, Youngwoo (Elsevier BV (AAHKS), 2024-09)
      Background Measuring passive hip flexion range of motion (ROM) is challenging due to compensatory movements. Despite the interest in using functional lateral radiographs for assessing hip mobility, the relationship with ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      KHALIFÉ, Marc; LAFAGE, Renaud; FERRERO, Emmanuelle; ELYSEE, Jonathan; ASSI, Ayman; ccGILLE, Olivier; ccFINOCO, Mikael; SKALLI, Wafa; GUIGUI, Pierre; VERGARI, Claudio; LAFAGE, Virginie (Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2024-09)
      Study Design. Retrospective study of a multicentric prospective database. Objective. This study aimed at describing the relative contribution of vertebral bodies versus discs to ...