Finite-rate chemistry effects in turbulent hypersonic boundary layers: A direct numerical simulation study
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
Physical Review FluidsAbstract
The influence of high-enthalpy effects on hypersonic turbulent boundary layers is investigated by means of direct numerical simulations (DNS). A quasiadiabatic flat-plate air flow at free-stream Mach number equal to 10 is simulated up to fully developed
turbulent conditions using a five-species, chemically reacting model. A companion DNS based on a frozen-chemistry assumption is also carried out, in order to isolate the effect of finite-rate chemical reactions and assess their influence on turbulent quantities. In order to reduce uncertainties associated with turbulence generation at the inlet of the computational domain, both simulations are initiated in the laminar flow region and the flow is let to evolve up to the fully turbulent regime. Modal forcing by means of localized suction and blowing is used to trigger laminar-to-turbulent transition. The high temperatures reached in the near-wall region including the viscous and buffer sublayers activate significant dissociation of both oxygen and nitrogen. This modifies in turn the thermodynamic and transport properties of the reacting mixture, affecting the first-order statistics of thermodynamic
quantities. Due to the endothermic nature of the chemical reactions in the forward direction, temperature and density fluctuations in the reacting layer are smaller than in the frozen-chemistry flow. However, the first- and second-order statistics of the velocity field are found to be little affected by the chemical reactions under a scaling that accounts for the modified fluid properties. We also observed that the Strong Reynolds Analogy remains well respected despite the severe hypersonic conditions and that the computed skin friction coefficient distributions match well the results of the Renard-Deck decomposition extended to compressible flows.
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