316L Stainless-Steel Carburizing Close to Eutectic Transformation Using the Spark Plasma Sintering Process
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
Journal of Materials Engineering and PerformanceRésumé
This work focuses on the 316L austenitic stainless-steel case-hardening microstructure, after the SPS process near the solid/liquid state transition temperature. This process, faster than conventional carburizing techniques, is equivalent to weld cladding, allowing the achievement of high surface carbon contents with large-size carbide grains in the case of partial melting. Three distinct zones were formed: internal carburizing, carburizing with melting, and carburizing with melting and chromium depletion; all three composed of mixed carbides (Cr0.4Fe0.6)7C3 distributed in an austenitic matrix. The internal carburizing layer growths following a parabolic kinetic law with kp 1027 cm2/s, while the advancement of the melting
front is very fast and follows a linear law with kl = 1.0 3 1024 cm2/s at 1100 °C. The Cr-depleted fusion zone microstructure is similar to a composite material with a metallic matrix, which includes graphite particles, Mo-rich intermetallic phases, and core-shell eutectic carbides. The partial melting zone without Cr depletion shows the formation of a dense carbide layer with diameters exceeding 10 µm, constituting 60% of the volume, and achieving a hardness of 850 HV5. Its wear rate is about 100 times lower than the 316L steel, indicating a significant improvement in the alloy's wear behavior.
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- Nom:
- LaBoMaP_JMEP_2024_PINOT.pdf
- Taille:
- 3.768Mo
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- Description:
- Article
- Fin d'embargo:
- 2024-09-26
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