Voici les éléments 141-147 de 416

    • Communication avec acte
      MAUDUIT, Clément; PUYDT, Quentin; MONIN, Martine; WEBER, Bastien; ccBERVEILLER, Sophie; ccBARRALLIER, Laurent; ccKUBLER, Regis (ShotPeener ICSP13, 2017)
      TRIP aided steels are used in the automotive industry due to their high strength, ductility and toughness properties. Typical parts made of TRIP steels (as engine sub-frame for instance) are submitted to cyclic loading ...
    • Communication avec acte
      GELINEAU, Maxime; ROUHAUD, Emmanuelle; PUYDT, Quentin; ccBARRALLIER, Laurent; ccKUBLER, Regis (Materials Research Forum, 2016)
      In order to introduce automatically the residual stresses field into a Finite Element model with complex geometry, a PYTHON code has been developed and linked to the software ABAQUS. A comparison between modelling and ...
    • Communication avec acte
      MAUDUIT, Clément; PUYDT, Quentin; MONIN, Martine; WEBER, Bastien; ccBERVEILLER, Sophie; ccBARRALLIER, Laurent; ccKUBLER, Regis (Materials Research Forum, 2016)
      Shot-peening is a common mechanical surface treatment used in automotive and aeronautical industries to enhance life duration of mechanical parts by introducing compressive residual ...
    • Communication avec acte
      GELINEAU, Maxime; ROUHAUD, Emmanuelle; PUYDT, Quentin; BADREDDINE, Jawad; MAUDUIT, Clément; WEBER, Bastien; ccBARRALLIER, Laurent; ccKUBLER, Regis (ShotPeener ICSP13, 2017)
      Even when properly controlled, shot peening treatment may induce a complex residual stresses (RS) field depending on the geometry of the treated part. Hence, among the variables which affect the fatigue behaviour of shot ...
    • Communication avec acte
      ROTINAT, René; BADREDDINE, Jawad; PUYDT, Quentin; ccKUBLER, Regis (ShotPeener ICSP13, 2017)
      Shot peening process is generally controlled by Almen intensity and coverage rate measurements. The results of the shot peening surface treatment depend on the process parameters (type of machine, nozzle, shot type, mass ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      BOUSCAUD, Denis; GUIHEUX, Romain; PATOOR, Etienne; PUYDT, Quentin; ccBERVEILLER, Sophie; ccKUBLER, Regis (Elsevier, 2019)
      This study aims at the experimental and numerical analysis of TRIP780 steel after conventional shot peening. TRIP steels exhibit a multiphase microstructure with martensitic transformation of the retained austenite during ...
    • Communication avec acte
      GUIHEUX, Romain; BOUSCAUD, Denis; PATOOR, Etienne; PUYDT, Quentin; OSMOND, Pierre; WEBER, Bastien; ccBERVEILLER, Sophie; ccKUBLER, Regis (ShotPeener ICSP13, 2017)
      In the last years, due to increasing ecology and environmental constraints, a search for lightweight structures has been carried out, leading to the use of more complex geometries and new materials. In that context, TRIP ...