Effect of relative humidity on carvacrol release and permeation properties of chitosan based films and coating
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
Food ChemistryRésumé
The influence of water vapour conditions on mass transport and barrier properties of chitosan based films and coatings were studied in relation to surface and structural properties. Water contact angles, material swelling, polymer degradation temperature, barrier properties (PO2, PCO2, WVP) and aroma diffusion coefficients were determined. The solvent nature and the presence of carvacrol influenced the surface and structural properties and then the barrier performance of activated chitosan films. Increasing RH from 0% to 100% led to a significant increase in material swelling. The plasticization effect of water was more pronounced at high humid environment, while at low RH the matrix plasticization was induced by carvacrol. The deposit of a thin chitosan layer on polyethylene decreased PO2 and PCO2 both in dry and humid conditions. The carvacrol release from the chitosan matrix was strongly influenced by RH. A temperature increase from 4 to 37 C also had an impact on carvacrol diffusivity but to a lesser extent than RH.
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