Time Resolved Two Dimensional X-Ray Densitometry of a Two Phase Flow Downstream of a Ventilated Cavity
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
Experiments in FluidsAbstract
To measure the void fraction distribution in gas-liquid flows, a two-dimensional x-ray densitometry system was developed. This system is capable of acquiring a two-dimensional projection with a 225 cm2 area of measurement through 21 cm of water. The images can be acquired at rates on the order of 1 kHz. Common sources of error in x-ray imaging, such as x-ray scatter, image distortion, veiling glare, and beam hardening were considered, and mitigated. The measured average void fraction was compared success fully to that of a phantom target and found to be within 1%. To evaluate the performance of the new system, the flow in and downstream of a ventilated nominally two-dimensional partial cavity was investigated and compared to measurements from dual tip fiber optical probes and high speed video. The measurements were found to have satisfactory agreement for void fractions above 5% of the selected void fraction measurement range.
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