SAM: Soumissions récentes
Voici les éléments 532-538 de 6310
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture(Elsevier BV, 2023-03-25)In the present work, a framework for the development of constitutive models for metallic materials in a thermomechanical context is proposed. Such a framework provides some guidelines to deal with processes involving large ...
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture(Elsevier BV, 2023-03-11)The influence of a proof load, or an initial overload, on the fatigue resistance of welded structures is investigated in this study. Arc welded stiffeners made of S355 steel are considered and fatigue-tested in as-welded ...
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture(International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), 2023-09-01)X-ray diffraction techniques are widely used to estimate stresses within polycrystalline materials. The application of these techniques requires the knowledge of the X-ray elastic constants relating the lattice strains to ...
Communication avec acte(2023-10-04)Grading veneer for plywood manufacturing is often performed on line using visual criteria issued from EN 635-3 standard. For mechanical applications, the only visual criteria can be not sharp enough to accurately grade ...
Communication avec acte(2023-09-05)This work is exhibiting a new laboratory investigation method to obtain fibre 3D angle measurement of a wood piece after successive planing of the whole specimen. By combining in-plane fibre measurements through laser ...
Communication avec acte(Proceedings ICEM20, 2023-07-02)Mechanical characterization of veneers is a scientific obstacle for technical products made with them. These products as the LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber) can have better properties than solid wood. In the objective to ...
Communication avec acte(2023-10-04)The aim of the present work is to investigate the specific cutting coefficients for the assessment of cutting forces when peripheral milling different types of engineered wood products (EWPs). The approach comes from ...