Voici les éléments 561-567 de 6136

    • Communication avec acte
      ccRÉBILLAT, Marc; ccMECHBAL, Nazih (Elsevier BV, 2018-08)
      Monitoring in real-time and autonomously the health state of aeronautic structures is referred to as Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and is a process decomposed in four steps: damage detection, localization, classification, ...
    • Communication avec acte
      AVERTY, Tristan; DARE-EMZIVAT, Delphine; PREAUX, Yves; ccBOUDRAA, Abdel-Ouahab (Gretsi, 2022)
      Dans ce travail, nous exploitons la variation de l’entropie de von Neumann de graphes comme mesure de vulnérabilité en proposant une nouvelle forme approchée de cette entropie basée sur des attributs structurels du graphe, ...
    • Communication avec acte
      AVERTY, Tristan; DARE-EMZIVAT, Delphine; ccBOUDRAA, Abdel-Ouahab (GRETSI, 2022-09)
      Dans cet article, nous présentons une stratégie de détection d’épilepsie à partir de signaux EEG (issus d’un seul capteur) basée sur l’algorithme de visibilité, qui consiste à transformer une série temporelle en un graphe ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      ccPERNOD, Laetitia; SACHER, Matthieu; ccWACKERS, Jeroen; AUGIER, Benoit; ccBOT, Patrick (The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 2023-01-27)
      Foiling yachts and crafts are both very sensitive to the flying height in terms of stability and performance, raising the scientific issue of the influence of the free-surface when the foil is at low submergence. This work ...
    • Communication avec acte
      ccRICHAUD, Emmanuel; GERARD, Pierre (EPFL Scientific Publications, 2022-06)
      This paper deals with the thermal ageing of ELIUM® based composites filled with mineral fillers (aluminium trihydrate in particular) and corresponding matrices. The ageing of thin films and thick blocks was investigated ...
    • Communication avec acte
      MALACRIDA ALVES, Guilherme; ccBALMES, Etienne (ISMA Editions (Belgium), 2022-09)
      Rubber tests typically only consider the first harmonic of responses and thus ignore additional information about variation of properties during a cycle. The Payne effect is then only described as a decrease of modulus ...
    • Communication avec acte
      PENAS, Rafael; GAUDIN, Arnaud; ccBALMES, Etienne (ISMA Editions (Belgium), 2020-09)
      Rubber mount modeling in multibody simulation is crucial for accuracy in this type of calculation, and despite its importance, they are often underestimated in terms of modeling. The present work aims to develop and ...