Voici les éléments 715-721 de 6136

    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      ccHOUZANGBE, Samory; MASSON, Dimitri; ccFLEURY, Sylvain; GÓMEZ JÁUREGUI, David Antonio; LEGARDEUR, Jeremy; ccRICHIR, Simon; COUTURE, Nadine (Frontiers Media SA, 2022-10-31)
      Creativity is key in the early phases of innovation processes. With the rapid evolution of technologies, designers now have access to various tools to support this activity. Virtual reality (VR) takes over multiple domains, ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      AGNES, Aurélien; ccFLEURY, Sylvain; AUZERAIS, Aristide; BISSON, Isaline; DULAU, Eva; BUISINE, Stéphanie; ccRICHIR, Simon (2020-02-29)
      This study presents a user test in order to ascertain the advantages and disadvantages of three different text input methods in immersive virtual environment: individual Speech-to-Text, collective Speech-to-Text and a ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      PALLOT, Marc; ccFLEURY, Sylvain; POUSSARD, Benjamin; ccRICHIR, Simon (Cairn, 2022-01-01)
      Inspired by the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) movement, the Do-It-Together (DIT) collaborative approach was successfully trialed in 2018, hence opening the door to the application of User Driven Innovation for realizing product ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      HU, Hao; ZHANG, Chao; HUANG, Yanjia; ZHAO, Qian; YEUNG, Sunny; ccPERNOT, Jean-Philippe; ccKLEINER, Mathias (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021-05-11)
      Currently, geometric over-constraints detection is of major interest in several diferent felds. In terms of product development process (PDP), many approaches exist to compare and detect geometric over-constraints, to ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      PEUZIN-JUBERT, Manon; NOZAIS, Dominique; MARI, Jean-Luc; ccPERNOT, Jean-Philippe; ccPOLETTE, Arnaud (Elsevier BV, 2021-12)
      At present, optical sensors are being widely used to realize high quality control or reverse engineering of products, systems, buildings, environments or human bodies. Although the intrinsic characteristics of such ...
    • Communication avec acte
      ccLOU, Ruding; ccSO HAU YUE, Richard; CHAN, Tsz-Tai; BECHMANN, Dominique; ccMERIENNE, Frédéric (IEEE, 2022-10)
      Today virtual reality (VR) technologies became more and more widespread and found strong applications in various domains. However the fear to experience motion sickness is still an important barrier for new VR users. ...
    • Conférence invitée
      BRILHAULT, Quentin; ccESMA, YAHIA; ccLIONEL, ROUCOULES (Springer, 2022-09-25)
      With the importance gained by Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) to simplify and decompose complex enterprise information system into autonomous, modular, reusable and, flexible model, the need to make models interoperable ...