Voici les éléments 932-938 de 6136

    • Communication avec acte
      MARCON, Bertand; CANDELIER, Kevin; PIGNOLET, Luc; GARTILI, Adélaïde; THÉVENON, Marie-France; ccDENAUD, Louis; ccCOLLET, Robert; ccVIGUIER, Joffrey (2022-04-25)
      Plywood made of poplar are limited to indoor usages since poplar exhibits a rather low natural durability. Recently, wood heat treatments are applied to improve properties such as decay susceptibility and dimensional ...
    • Communication avec acte
      QIAN, Yang; XIONG, YingQiu; ccWANG, Yuyang; JIANG, Yuanchun; LIU, Yezheng; CHAI, Yidong (IEEE, 2022-03-12)
      These are a series of online platforms that allow users to rate and comment on VR virtual reality applications. In this paper, we develop a topic model, namely the general and sparse topic model, that automatically identifies ...
    • Communication avec acte
      DUBREUIL, Shannon; GRILLET, Valentin; LAURENT, Nicolas; LING, Jennifer; MINDER, Eloise; SALIOU, Tristan; VILLAFRANCA, Alice; ccCHARDONNET, Jean-Rémy (IEEE, 2022-03-12)
      For the 2022 IEEE VR 3DUI contest on the topic of “Arts, Science, Information and Knowledge - visualization and interactions”, we present Artana, an immersive application proposing to explore anamorphosis in various ...
    • Chapitre d'ouvrage scientifique
      GHANDOUR, Mohamed Houssein; ccCOUTIER-DELGOSHA, Olivier; ccBAYEUL-LAINÉ, Annie-Claude (Springer Singapore, 2020-07-26)
      The present paper is devoted to the analysis of the impact of a raindrop on water. The studied configuration is focused on the effects of high energy splash regimes, caused by the impact of large droplets at high velocity. ...
    • Communication avec acte
      COUSSEAU, R.; ROMARY, R.; PUSCA, R.; ccSEMAIL, Eric (IEEE, 2020-12-01)
      This paper presents a simple method to size a concentrated winding permament magnet synchronous machine when a high number of slots is needed. A classical concentrated winding machine leads to a number of pole pairs close ...
    • Communication avec acte
      ccDAZIN, Antoine; ccJOSEPH, Pierric; ccROMANÒ, Francesco; GALLAS, Q; MARTY, J; AIGOUY, G; STÔΒEL, M; NIEHUIS, R (IOP Publishing, 2021-01-22)
      The objective of the ACONIT project is to design, manufacture and test actuators for flow control for an implantation in an aircraft engine. The actuators will fulfil aeronautics requirement in order to increase the ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      FASSE, Guillaume; BECKER, Florent; ccHAUVILLE, Frederic; GERMAIN, Grégory (Elsevier BV, 2022-04)
      As an academic platform, the French Naval Academy Research Institute (IRENav) developed a large-scale experimental cycloidal propeller (800 kg, 0.4 m radius) with the aim of running diverse pitch motions to evaluate ...