Now showing items 239-245 of 6130

    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      ccHERNÁNDEZ, Quercus; ccBADIAS, Alberto; ccCHINESTA SORIA, Francisco; ccCUETO, Elias (2023)
      We develop inductive biases for the machine learning of complex physical systems based on the port-Hamiltonian formalism. To satisfy by construction the principles of thermodynamics in the learned physics (conservation of ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      DELOZANNE, Justine; MONTANA, Juan Sebastian; GUINAULT, Alain; DESGARDIN, Nancy; ccCUVILLIER, Nicolas; ccRICHAUD, Emmanuel (Taylor & Francis, 2022-04)
      This paper reports the failure of bonded assemblies submitted to thermal ageing. Adhesives are either fully or incompletely cured. Despite comparable initial properties, depletion of mechanical properties (evaluated from ...
    • Communication avec acte
      ccJACQUET, Philippe; ccVAUCHERET, Alexis; GRIMAUD, G.; GALLONE, T (Springer, 2023-05)
      Because of climate changes and the increasing cost of raw materials, the mobility will become more and more electric in the future years. It is already the case for automotive and the first electric car from Renault company, ...
    • Communication avec acte
      ccHOUZANGBE, Samory; ccFLEURY, Sylvain; ccMASSON, Dimitri; GOMEZ JAUREGUI, David Antonio; ccLEGARDEUR, Jérémy; COUTURE, Nadine; ccRICHIR, Simon (IEEE, 2023-09-10)
      Creativity Support Tools (CSTs), like sketching tools, enable designers in their creative activities. As designers may have different needs during different thinking phases, accessing physiological responses in real-time ...
    • Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
      ccFLEURY, Sylvain; ccBERNARD, Fabien; PAQUIN, Raphaël; ccBLANCHARD, Philippe; ccRICHIR, Simon (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023-11-13)
      Simulators have been used for a long time in industry. We identify three categories of use: training, design, and testing. We underline that for these three categories of uses, the two major areas of improvement are a ...
    • Conférence invitée
      ccSEMAIL, Eric; IDIR, Nadir; HARMAND, Souad; LEMAIRE-SEMAIL, Betty (2022-10)
      One major challenge of e-aerospace motor is high densities (kW/kg, Nm/kg) keeping a high functional reliability. With high switching frequency Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) using Wide-Band Gap (WBG) components, the DC-bus ...
    • Communication avec acte
      DWIVEDI, Dhawal; SINGH, Saurabh; KAUSHIK, Shubham; ccSEMAIL, Eric; ccNGUYEN, Ngac Ky; CHINMAYA, K. A. (IEEE, 2023-08)
      T-type multilevel inverters are a potential alternative because of their increased efficiency and low conduction losses. T-Type topology is formed by adding a bidirectional switch to a conventional two-level inverter. There ...