Including in hla federation functional mokup units for supporting interoperability and rensability in distributed simulation.
Communication avec acte
Modeling and Simulation is attempting to tackle more and more complexsystems, which makes their design highly challenging. Complex systems’ Modeling and Simulation (M&S) require the consideration of several simultaneouspoints of view and involve skills from different scientificand technicalfields. Distributed Simulation domainanswer the question of coupling and running together heterogeneous components, e.g. IEEE 1516-2010 -High Level Architecture is one of the mostused standard. Also, Functional Mockup Interface provide standard designedfor the coupling of simulation tools (simulator coupling, tool coupling), and coupling with subsystem models, which have been exported by their simulators together with its solversas runnable code.In this paper, we aim to provide bridge between HLA and FMI standard in order to couple those technologies
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