Integrating HLA-Based Distributed Simulation for Management Science and BPMN
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Modeling and Simulation are becoming more and more complex, making their design very challenging. Modeling and Simulation of complex systems requires simultaneous consideration of several points of view and the study of these systems needs skills belonging to different scientific fields. In Distributed Simulation domain, IEEE 1516-2010 - High Level Architecture (HLA) is one of the most used standard. However, it does not provide any official graphical language for defining distributed simulation behaviors. Business Process Model and Notation standard could be an interesting solution for defining HLA execution scenario. This paper present application experiment applied to solar power plant. Our proposition consists in restrict the HLA execution process in order to use one federate as Master, controlling the others as Slaves. This allows us to generate a component responsible for the simulation execution process with parsing a Business Process Model and Notation diagram. In this paper, we present an application of this concept.
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