Real car versus driving simulator comparison of head dynamics in emergency braking events
Communication avec acte
This paper presents a pilot study which aims at comparing the results of dynamic ranges of motion made in real conditions versus virtual conditions. Whiplash remains a big socio-economic issue and the need to implement virtual reality to better understand the head stabilization strategies is here spelled out. To do so, we proposed two experiments in which subjects are seated on the front passenger seat and are subject to a given deceleration. The vehicle accelerates to a given speed, maintain its speed for a short time then proceed to the braking event which is either a custom one or the natively equipped emergency automated braking system. Range of motion and acceleration of the head are recorded. The final goal of the study is to replicate the experiment on a hexapod driving simulator. We expect the results of this replication to legitimate the comparison between results from real tests and results obtained using driving simulators. Doing such tests should reduce their human and technical costs and give a better knowledge of the participant cognition by the perfect control of the visual environment.
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