EMD-Based Filtering Using Similarity Measure Between Probability Density Functions of IMFs
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and MeasurementAbstract
This paper introduces a new signal-filtering which combines the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and a similarity measure. A noisy signal is adaptively broken down into oscillatory components called intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) by EMD followed by an estimation of the probability density function (pdf) of each extracted mode. The key idea of this paper is to make use of partial reconstruction, the relevant modes being selected on the basis of a striking similarity between the pdf of the input signal and that of each mode. Different similarity measures are investigated and compared. The obtained results, on simulated and real signals, show the effectiveness of the pdf-based filtering strategy for removing both white Gaussian and colored noises and demonstrate its superior performance over partial reconstruction approaches reported in the literature.
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