Immersive virtual reality for learning about ecosystems: effect of two signaling levels and feedback on action decisions
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
Frontiers in PsychologyAbstract
Introduction - The goal of the present study was to test the effect of signaling associated with feed-back in learning forest ecosystems in the context of realistic living forest simulator, in IVR conditions for students in agriculture. Two signaling modalities, corresponding to two signaling levels, were investigated: visual flashing of forest elements (tree species, plants, flowers, fungi, wet-areas etc.) and marker-stones, both with text in pop-up windows, in a 2x2 experimental plan.
Methods - Ninety-three pupils of an agricultural technological high school had to explore (including physically), interrogate (search for) and select (using the joysticks) relevant elements of the forest in three living forest areas (visually delimited inside of a broader forest area) in order to choose (and justify) the best area, among the three, in which an equipped public-tourist reception site (picnic, resting, reception site) could be built. The chosen site must have the least possible negative impact on the ecosystem of the forest and its development over time. After their decision (and justification) they were provided a feed-back with a series of VR desktop multimedia slides showing the effect of this choice on the ecosystem of the chosen area. After the feed-back they had to decide and justify again whether they would change or maintain their first decision. Finally, subjective scales were also used in order to investigate presence, cognitive complexity, sickness and overall enjoyment.
Results and discussion - Results showed significant positive effects of both signaling levels, and of the feed-back on the correct decision answers. Further, the combination, and interaction, between signaling and feedback seemed to enhance, the activation and retrieval from memory, of the task-relevant concepts. In addition, the results indicated a significant positive effect (medium size) of presence on decision performances, a finding which is consistent with the immersion principle.
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