Experimental and numerical investigation of the mechanical behavior of the AA5383 alloy at high temperatures
Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture
Journal of Materials Processing TechnologyAbstract
Because of its excellent properties, such as good corrosion resistance, high specific strength and important ductility, the AA5383 aluminum alloy is largely employed for naval applications. In this work, the mechanical behavior of the AA5383 alloy at elevated temperatures, which is an important aspect for the control of forming operations, is investigated. For this purpose, an experimental campaign, including uniaxial tension, biaxial tension, and shear tests, is performed to cover an important range of temperatures (623∼723 K) and strain rates (10⁻⁴∼10⁻ⁱ s⁻ⁱ). A constitutive model for the description of the high temperature behavior of the AA5383 alloy is then proposed. For the deformation behavior, this model combines a viscoplastic flow rule with the BBC2003
anisotropic yield criterion. Also, the prediction of ductile fracture, which is an important aspect for formability, relies on an extended version of the modified Mohr-Coulomb criterion. The extension allows including the impact of temperature and strain rate on ductile fracture as well as a cut-off value for stress triaxiality. Finally, numerical simulations of the experimental tests are performed to identify the flow rule, yield criterion and fracture criterion parameters by combining different optimization methods. The numerical and experimental results of the different tests are in good agreement, which indicates that the proposed constitutive model is well suited for investigating the impact of process conditions on the formability of the AA5383 alloy at high temperatures.
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